Journal entry #3
I don't know how much time I will have to write today. As mentioned in my last entry I am in the midst of moving. But it is early morning, and the rest of my family is asleep and I myself was feeling restless so here I am. My latest gameplay took me through Snowhead Temple, which in the past had turned me away from the game. This time around I not only found it enjoyable but incredibly straightforward. There didn't seem to be any seriously difficult puzzles or overly difficult fights, and I admit I was a little agitated by the dungeon. But then I gave it some thought. What exactly is going on with this dungeon? It's a tower. You start at (more or less) the base of it and you are tasked with ascending to the top and conquering it. The whole dungeon is a slow climb upwards, mimicking many of the challenges we face in our own lives that aren't complex but are time-consuming and require our continued...