
Showing posts from August, 2022

Journal entry #3

     I don't know how much time I will have to write today. As mentioned in my last entry I am in the midst of moving. But it is early morning, and the rest of my family is asleep and I myself was feeling restless so here I am.      My latest gameplay took me through Snowhead Temple, which in the past had turned me away from the game. This time around I not only found it enjoyable but incredibly straightforward.       There didn't seem to be any seriously difficult puzzles or overly difficult fights, and I admit I was a little agitated by the dungeon. But then I gave it some thought.       What exactly is going on with this dungeon? It's a tower. You start at (more or less) the base of it and you are tasked with ascending to the top and conquering it. The whole dungeon is a slow climb upwards, mimicking many of the challenges we face in our own lives that aren't complex but are time-consuming and require our continued work to accomplish. As with any project of this sort

Journal entry #2 - Goron Village

     So today I did the groundwork for going to Snowhead Temple. Years ago when I was playing the GameCube version of Majora's Mask I ended up quitting the game in frustration at Snowhead Temple because I found Goron Link impossible to control. Luckily, I've improved dramatically as a gamer and the switch controls feel much smoother than the GameCube port.      It was honestly a lot of fun. I didn't find a ton of goodies on the route to the dungeon, like I did with the Woodfall Temple route but that was okay. The time consumer was getting the hot spring water back and forth from the tomb of Darmani to the area where the Village Elder is frozen. I happened to unfreeze the hole in the ground first (which I had not done on any of my previous playthroughs) and was pleasantly surprised to find that there was indeed a hot spring that from which I could collect water. I'll remember that for future reference.      As I was going through the frozen Goron village, it occurred to

Welcome to my Zelda journals

  Hi everyone, I wanted to chronicle my thoughts, feelings, and experiences playing through the Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask. I’ve previously beat the game on the 3DS, but now I am playing through the N64 version, which is ported on the Switch. I’m starting this journal several days into my playthrough, and while commuting to work this morning I played through the Woodfall Temple. On my lunch today, I’ll finish exploring it to get ahold of the remaining stray fairies that have escaped my grasp. My goal for this playthrough is to complete the whole game, or 100% of it, as it is commonly referred to within the Zelda player base. Why keep a journal about something as silly as a video game? I admit I am doing this more to do something than anything. What I mean by that is I have always wanted to write and go in-depth on my thoughts and opinions regarding a wide variety of things the Legend of Zelda is up there on that list. However, I often find myself frozen when it comes time to put th